Secured Credit Cards for Business

by Mack Bartlett


This is an account from a business owner that I spoke to that gave me some tips on how he was able to get a secure credit card for his business so he could rebuild his credit. He was concerned because he had heard how important credit was for starting a business, but he wanted to create financial independence. This is his experience with secured credit cards for business:

I was going to buy media for my internet marketing business, but I was nervous because I had several occurrences where I had destroyed my credit. Some of these reasons were my fault and others were circumstances that I couldn’t control. I had gone through a bad divorce that had taken a toll on my credit.

So now I knew what I had to accomplish with my business, but I was scared of where to go to find a card that would accept me. I had some funds to help me get my business going, but I realized that I was going to need to leverage on a grander scale. It was going to require more leveraging and being able to exercise what little credit I had.

I realized that this was going to take some good credit history to replace previous mistakes. I knew that there was going to be forgiveness, but I had to prove myself to credit bureaus. I realized that a prepaid credit was a decent option. I searched around and found a company that offered secured credit cards for business. This company seemed legitimate and wasn’t requiring me to pay an arm and a leg with fees and phone minutes to sign up.

I was even more pleased as they asked me for my credit report to find out how my credit history was. This was assuring to me because it showed that they were serious about what they offered and I found out they would report often to credit bureaus about my new established history.

This became a dream come true because I could leave a larger deposit and receive a larger credit limit. I started using the line of credit often and made payments on time. Some times I would make more than one payment a month. It didn’t take long for my credit to be flipped around. Now my credit is well over 700 after being in the pits and I am able to get unsecured credit cards in a matter of months. I am going to try to build my credit more so I can get larger limits. I used to be scared about credit cards after I had bad experiences. Now I have been able to turn it around into my favor and use it to better my life.

Secured credit cards for business can be so beneficial for people with struggling credit. I like to think of it as almost paper trading, or maybe trading on a contract that is only 5 dollars. It is a conservative way to exercise your ability to use credit correctly. After a while you will learn how to use it wisely and be able to adjust it to become one of your strengths and not your weakness.

Related posts:

  1. Secured Credit Cards for a Small Business
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  4. Low Interest Secured Credit Cards
  5. Secured Chase Credit Cards
  6. The Best Way To Pay Off Secured Credit Cards

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