For Mortage Refinance Leads Try the Web
As a person in the mortgage industry, the time inevitably arrives when you need to increase business through the use of leads. When you reach this point, you better have a solid plan in place to take advantage of the potential prospects.
Contrary to popular belief, it is definitely possible to generate leads for no cost. You just have to be proactive and look in the right places.
A forum is a hub online where like minded individuals meet and communicate with one another. There are literally thousands of online forums on many topics including mortgage. Your job is to find forums where individuals who are looking to buy a home spend time.
A great way to find a forum is to Google: mortgage refinance forum. Implementing this search will yield the forums of mortgage refinance leads. After you’ve found one you like, create an account and begin interacting with the members.
The key here is to NOT push your products on members. At least not right away. Doing so will turn off members and may get you kicked out. What you need to do is provide value and establish yourself as an expert.
Look through the threads (topic titles) and look for people asking questions or running into problems. Answer their questions and genuinely help. After a while, you will be seen as an authority.
While you shouldn’t tout your business overtime you get, you should include a mention of your business in your bio line which appears at the bottom of your forum messages.
By providing unique value, leads will come to you. You will have gained credibility and most importantly trust. Once that trust is established you can take the tep of converting those leads into customers. Taking this approach is a long term strategy, but it will pay for itself in time.