Posts tagged: preferred_customers

United Airlines College Student Credit Cards


One of the best decisions you can make if you are a constant flier of the friendly skies is to get a credit card with an airline company. Many students face the issue of having to travel states away to go to college and back home. You want to make sure that you can travel safely home for holidays and special events. To be honest you probably don’t have the money to spend on flights. If you do then you are going to try to save as much as possible instead of spending hundreds or thousands of dollars to make it home and back.

It is smart to get a credit card from a company that you fly with often because this will help you to put your money to use. You have probably heard of frequent flier miles. Many airlines and companies in general do this to help alleviate the pain of spending. It is amazing how much easier it is for you to go for the more expensive purchase because of these types of offers. Now you might find yourself spending more just because you have a credit card to “save money for more miles” but be careful that you aren’t spending recklessly. This might help toward free miles, but in turn you end up going broke…not good. Just make it your primary credit card and use it when you have to. It will make the swipe less painful.

United Airlines will usually offer you a free mile in the air for every dollar that you spend. Depending on what type of card you get, you could potentially have a limit on the amount of miles you can get unless you get the Platinum card for their “preferred customers”. This is a higher annual fee, which all of their cards have, but this will allow for more ways to build up miles. For some of your spending, including for any United related items or housing related, you will actually get 2 miles for every dollar spent.

In the end it really comes down to how often you plan on spending on these cards. If you are only looking for a trip or two a year then maybe you should go with a more conservative card, but if you plan on spending a lot on credit cards for schooling, dates, or whatever floats your boat, then you will probably want to go with the platinum card. This all won’t matter if your credit is bad or you don’t have any credit history, so you might see if your parents can get one to help you come home.