Lowering Your Credit Card Interest Rates: All You Have To Do Is Ask
The greatest thing about credit card interest rates is that you can call the company and ask them to lower your interest rate. It’s as simple as that. But there are a few conditions. Allowing just anyone to call up and lower their interest rates would be just ridiculous, and it would probably cost the companies quite a bit of money, considering all the irresponsible spenders out there. But this attribute can act as a reward for those who are disciplined in their use of credit cards. Here are a few of the conditions that must be met before your credit card company will lower your interest rates.
1. Have a good credit rating
Maintaining a good credit score will increase your chances of getting an interest rate reduction. Your credit score is what will determine the company’s trust in you, and it will increase or decrease your chances of getting a lower interest rate, depending on how good or bad it is. Having good credit says to the credit card companies that you are dependable, therefore because you are a good customer with good credit, you deserve to have your interest rate lowered.
2. Don’t have a big balance
Having a large balance on your credit card account will lessen your chances of changing your interest rates for the better because if you are deep in debt, credit card companies may believe that your potential to get further into debt is greater. The deeper into debt you get, the more likely you are to fail to pay your bills on time. This will in turn not only disqualify you for a decrease, but it will actually increase your interest rates.
3. Send in more than the minimum
When you pay on your credit card, there is a minimum monthly payment you must make, no matter what. If you have the means to pay a little extra on your credit card bills, do it. This will show that you are eager to pay off your debt, so you are less likely to go bankrupt, and more likely to make your payments on time.
4. Pay on time
Getting an interest rate decrease will be much more difficult if you have not paid your bills on time. In fact, one of the consequences of not paying on time is having your rates INCREASED. You must pay your monthly credit card payment each month, even if it is just the minimum, because the rewards are substantial, but so are the punishments.
Getting your credit card interest rates raised is can be a great advantage to you, but just like any other rewards you might get, you must obey the rules before you reap the benefits. You have to use your credit wisely. You must pay your bills on time and keep your balance at a level in which you can pay it off soon and without strain. These, among other things, will help to raise your credit score, allowing credit card companies a reason to give you a decrease on your interest rates.