Posts tagged: apply_for_credit_cards

Instant Approval On Student Credit Cards

Instant! This is a beautiful word that so many American’s love to hear. I know I love to hear it and I am sure that you do too. We like instant food, instant love, instant movies, instant money, and instant approval. This is really a loaded term as far as credit cards go. Many cards will give you instant approval as a method of showing their willingness to work quickly and help you in turn use that card quickly.

They know that many people get a credit card on impulse to buy products and not necessarily to improve your credit score. They want you to apply for credit cards with the notion that this isn’t going to take long and you are not going to have to go through a lot of hurdles to get there. Understand that there are still some things you will have to deal with.

One of the best things that you can do is don’t look for instant approval. Take your time to understand your APR, annual fees if you have any, grace periods, and any other noticeable items in the Terms and Conditions. There can be changes in the terms where the APR is 0% for a certain period, but that could increase in a heartbeat, so you want to know when that is going to happen. It might be more important for you to find out how easy it is to get a line of credit and not how fast you can get a line of credit, because that may be where your real problems are.

Easy Approval Student Credit Cards

The real question is how easy is it for you to get a credit card. Now if you don’t have a credit history, that is fine because companies know that you have to start somewhere and they would love to get your business initially so that you come back to them down the road as your income increases and especially for loans and business accounts. So they want to appeal to you to start off with. You can find cards that don’t have annual fees and that is good. Most rates are going to be 15% to 20% and that is pretty standard.

I suggest that you are safe with these cards because if you miss a payment then you can be murdered. Some interest rates can double up near 30%. This can be scary for any student just trying to make it by and I am sure that you don’t want your parents on your back about another issue, along with a creditor and a credit bureau which isn’t as forgiving.

Realize that you are going to have to give your social security number and they are going to do a credit check. This is in accordance with the Patriot Act and also they are going to do it obviously to know what your past is like with credit. This could help with getting a better rate if you have established a credit limit, but realize that it is going to take a several months to a year of good credit habits to impress a credit bureau.

Credit Cards After Refinancing Student Loans


This is a sticky process. Many have gone through a consolidation process of refinancing your student loans to try to decrease your interest on the student loans. So now you are looking for ways to improve your credit and you want to find out how to get a credit card because you have heard that a credit card is going to help you out of your financial bind. Well this can be true. There are some options that you can look at. First make sure that you are in the clear from your refinancing process so that you can apply for credit cards. Whenever you go through a refinancing, you probably can’t get a new line of credit or use the current ones you have too extensively.

One of the first steps you should take is to find out where your credit is at and what type of cards companies can offer you based on your credit, income, and any other debts you may have. It is important that no matter what happens with your credit card situation, you are able to be consistent on paying off your student loans. This is fundamental for any person looking to keep their credit. One late payment can put you in the dog house, while six solid payments in a row can begin to help your credit improve.

The Appropriate Credit Cards While Paying Off Student Loans

So when you have found out where your credit score is at and you have finished the consolidation process for your student loans then you can start looking at cards. Depending on where your credit is, you might have to start off with a secured credit card before moving forward with an unsecured credit card. This is fine because whatever type of credit card you have, you need to pay your bills on time and spend wisely with your new card.

If you are struggling to find the right card and you just want to improve your credit then you should start by opening a checking and savings account if you don’t have one and make sure to pay your normal bills on time like rent, utilities, car payments, etc. If you can do this, then this will be a good first sign for any creditor. Next you need to look at store cards as options. These are just some examples other than using the student loan itself. Don’t put yourself in a difficult situation where you are going to have to worry about consolidating your credit cards a year after doing the same with your student loans.