Student Credit Cards Interest Calculator
I suggest that you find a credit card interest calculator to be able to find out how your credit is and how it can be affected based on how you spend using that card. This tool is going to help a lot of you to figure out how important it is to pay off your bills. One of the best ones that I had found was at It is pretty staggering to think about it when you see what would happen with minimum payments only being paid on these balances.
To give you an example of what could happen I threw in some numbers into the calculator. I simply charged $2,000 on this calculator for the balance. Then I did an annual interest rate of 14%. After that I put in a minimum payment of 2% or $10 depending on which one is higher. So I calculated it and it came out kind of mind boggling. The interest would be $2,354 dollars and it would take 242 payments to pay it off. That would be over 20 years before that charge of $2,000 was paid off. That is absolutely nuts. You will have lived a quarter of your life before you are able to pay it off. That isn’t a pleasant thought.
I think this shows why it is so important to calculate your debt and find safe and faster ways to pay off interest and get to the principal. These calculators give you a good understanding and at the same time it is probably important to get a financial adviser to help you pay off your debt quicker. It is hard being in college with a lot of student loans because of ridiculous tuition fees.
You have to worry about a lot of debt already so the last thing you want to do is worry about paying off credit card debt. You have a lot more control over this issue because you can budget safely within your lifestyle. This is a hard habit to make for a lot of college students that are trying hard to impress the opposite sex, but it will be even more impressive if you can avoid a lot of needless debt going into a relationship. If you can build those habits of living within your means now then it will help you throughout marriage and especially for the example that you teach to your kids.
Use these calculators to evaluate your debt and make sure to pay off the debt with higher interest rates first. So if you have student loans and credit card debt then stick to paying off your credit cards first and then focus on your student loans.