How Do You Understand Credit Card Application Terminology?
Applying a credit card is not easy to begin with, and the words they use that are difficult to understand are not helping any. The one thing you want most, when you are applying for a credit card, is to understand the details of the application and the terms and conditions of the credit card loan. But how could you possibly do that with all the seemingly foreign language they use in the advertisement alone, to say nothing of the actual details.
Knowing what you are reading on a credit card application is important. But sometimes, even talking on the phone with a representative from a credit card company, it can be difficult to understand and follow along. Here are a few words that may be useful to know, what they mean, and what they have to do with getting a credit card.
Collateral is some sort of asset, or something that you own that is of value, that you are willing to secure a credit card loan with. It secures your loan so that if you do not pay your bills, whatever you put up for collateral will be taken by the credit card company. If you are applying for a secured credit card, you will be required to pledge something that you own that is worth a certain amount in case you fail to pay your bills, or if you take out bankruptcy.
Credit Scoring System
This refers to the complex equation and factors that are calculated into your credit score. Your credit score and your credit report will determine whether or not you will be approved for a credit card, and how much your interest will be.
Annual Percentage Rate
Usually this is written as APR. Annual Percentage Rate is the percentage of the principle you will be charged in interest per year. This amount compounds each month, so the APR should not be confused with the actual interest rate. They are two seperate calculations of interest.
Fixed Rate
A fixed interest rate is a rate that will not change unless you make late payments. A fixed interest rate basically stays the same if you pay your bills on time and do not incur other penalties on yourself. There are some fixed rates that only last for a certain period of time, but others last for the entire time that the credit card account is open and active.
Finance Charge
Basically, this is what they use to describe your overall interest. A finance charge is a charge or fee they require you to pay for borrowing money on credit. So when you see “finance charge” written on an application, that is the total amount estimated that you will pay in interest.
There are several things you may not understand when you are trying to apply for a credit card. Along with the hassle of applying, you should not have to worry about the terminology. Knowing what you’re getting into is essential, and can save you loads of money in the future.